Tuesday, October 8, 2019

As It Comes

I'm not necessarily in the depths of despair, but rather disappointed that I got a four this morning.  Oh well, three of a kind is better than a pair and one must learn to take the good when it comes.

I suppose the same could be said of the weather.  The rains (and my whining) will be here soon enough.  Cool enough for a turtleneck teeshirt in the morning, by afternoon I had the ceiling fan going.  Michael and I shuffle through the fallen leaves on our walks.  He was disappointed that he didn't get to go with me to the grocery store yesterday, the one place he isn't welcome.  They accept service dogs, but not support dogs.  As much as I hate shopping, I could use his support.

I spent considerable time going through cookbooks and mountains of loose recipes looking for albondigas (Mexican meatballs) before going to the store.  Of course I couldn't find it, so will have to wing it when Clay comes up.  At least I got the necessary hamburger.  I remember back in the late '70s that hamburger was fifty cents a pound on the mainland and being appalled that it was a dollar in Hawaii.  Now it is well over five dollars here!  I can't imagine what my son's grocery bills are on Oahu.

Speaking of Larry, his son Ozzy has all tubes and monitors removed and is doing well.  He is still in the three-pound range, but gaining weight daily.

One chore a day is about my limit anymore, and going shopping was it for yesterday.  I work better with a deadline on the horizon and so will spiff up the house today before Linda arrives.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Speaking of fickle weather...I was in Colorado Springs and we had lovely weather that started to cool a bit. I had heard that snow was coming and so I looked today. It was 81 on Tuesday, and it is expected to be 31 on Thursday!!! Except for a short stint in Ohio, I have lived my whole life in Southern California, and all but 12 of those (minus Ohio) have been spent living within 3.2 miles of the beach, so wild weather swings just aren't part of my experience!!