Thursday, October 17, 2019

Today's The Day

Okay, no foolin,' I will go to town today.  After an inventory yesterday, I decided that if I was particularly frugal I could manage to hold off one more day.  I realize I'm near to being phobic about leaving home and there's no good reason; I just don't like to go (so there).

I actually did have a reason of sorts yesterday.  Michael didn't feel well.  He was pretty listless on our morning walk, tail and ears drooping, and he had no interest in exploring new areas as he usually does.  Because of this and the fact that he's been so good lately, I wasn't worried when he wanted to go out with me to feed the goats and chickens.  Yeah, well...he took off while I was getting the birdseed.  "Michael, NO!  Don't you do it!  Here to me!"  He looked back over his shoulder at me as he headed down the drive.  Rats!  He did come back.  He ate and drank a little, but for the rest of the day he slept on the bed.  That wasn't like him (he usually stays in whatever room I'm in), and I didn't want to leave him, nor did I want to take him to town.  Our evening walk was a two-piddle trip (his record is six), and he went right back to bed.  Hopefully, he'll be better today.

Ah well, like it or not, a trip to town is now mandatory.  Today's the day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Crossing my fingers that your guy is better by the time you read this!