Friday, October 25, 2019


Oh, the things we take for granted:  running water, television, cellphones, lights at the flick of a switch, coffeemakers, a microwave, the computer, opening the fridge and freezer at will, and flush toilets!  Between the last two outages, I've read approximately 1,600 pages, and was grateful for the diversion, as well as for the lantern that kept the darkness at bay.  That Melitta doohickey made a cup of real coffee in the morning.  Kathy V. kept in touch on my quickly dying cellphone, which I was able to recharge with some marvelous contraption in the truck.  I feel for Emmy in her all-electric house.  At least I have a propane stove.

When Michael and I took our morning walk yesterday, I heard rustling in the now-defunct garden area in the west field.  He and I were both startled when deer started bounding over and/or crashing into the fence.  There was a total of seven!  Probably because there had been no sound (other than an occasional generator) or lights in the area, they thought they could reclaim the property.  Michael's ears went up and he was definitely interested, but made no attempt to give chase.  Good boy, Michael.

I've been plagued with robocalls lately, sometimes six or more a day.  Unknown numbers show up on the wireless phones and I just don't answer.  That capability is not available on the landline phone I keep for emergencies during an outage.  Whatever happened to the Do Not Call list?

There was one particular call I did not like.  It was PG&E with a notice that they "may" (make that "will") cut the power again tomorrow.  Aarrgh!  One of the most frustrating things yesterday was that their reason for the blackout was because of high winds.  For two days, we had an intermittent light breeze.  Most of the time not a leaf stirred.

Arden is coming over today.  At least she'll be able to flush.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Glad you had a real cup of coffee. And sheesh - they cut your power, but I heard on the radio that in Sonoma, PG&E cut power but did NOT "de-energize" some transformer thing...and lo and behold...a big fire started really close to that spot. Wow. Southern California is burning, but so far, San Diego is ok.