Friday, October 18, 2019

Or Not

First and foremost, Michael's malaise seems to thankfully have been of the 24-hour variety.  With such a low-key dog, I can't say he's back to his "perky" self (Michael doesn't do perky), but he's definitely and obviously feeling better.  Someone asked how I knew he "loves" to go in the truck.  Well, he doesn't dance or pull at the leash, but when we head out and I open the truck door, he doesn't need to be told to load up, but jumps in and heads to his favorite spot behind my seat.  That's about as demonstrative as Michael gets.

Yesterday morning I had a satisfying catch-up conversation with my friend Tinka, who had been out of state visiting children and grandchildren.  The trip itself had been fraught with plane delays and diversions, etc., which, in retrospect, were funny.  Tinka has more equanimity than I; I would have been frothing at the mouth and pulling my hair.

Hanging up, I gasped as I caught the shadow of a man moving about on the porch.  One thing Michael is not is a watchdog.  Had I been watching him instead of talking, I would have noted he was looking at the door, the only sign he gives that something of interest is happening.  The man was Neighbor Joe, who had brought a truckload of cut and split pine and cedar kindling from his place and was was stacking the porch rack for me.  He also hauled a big wagonload of the longer-burning oak from the woodpile to the house before unloading the rest of the kindling by the woodpile and tarping it.  The best help I can give is to stay out of the way.  I told Joe of an old saying, "You're earning a gold star for your crown in heaven," and that his crown would be pretty darned heavy for his many acts of kindness.

It had rained during the night and the day was chilly.  There was still time to get to town, but the house was cold and, really, there was extra wood to burn.  Why not?  That pine kindling had a good fire started in no time flat and the house began to warm up.  That was my downfall.  Having gotten up early, getting the time I woke up it was too late for much of anything but taking Michael for another walk.

There is enough cat food for one more day.  The milk in the refrigerator hasn't curdled yet.  Arden will be here this afternoon.  Town can wait.  (Any excuse is a good one.)

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

It would be so nice if town could come to you instead!! How NICE of Joe! I have never tried the service, Chewy, but I've heard it is very reasonable that they deliver your animal food and needs right to your door. Dunno!