Monday, October 21, 2019

Break It Or Make It

Some of the Kids have suggested we go out for Thanksgiving dinner this year.  I don't know how I feel about that.  (For one thing, it means I'd have to leave home...again!)  I got married at age 18 and, with few exceptions, I've fixed Thanksgiving dinner every year since.  My mother was more than happy to abdicate that responsibility.  She didn't like to cook and I needed to learn.  There were a few times in the early years that we went to my sister's, but the Kids' dad wasn't happy with that because there were no leftovers.  As I've said before, we are so steeped in tradition that the menu on holidays has never changed.  "But, Mom, you can choose anything you want, and they're sure to have a turkey dinner."  It would certainly mean a lot less work, both for me and the Kids.  They always do the clean up afterwards and parcel out the take-home packages.  A consensus hasn't been reached yet.  I'll go with the majority.  Maybe it's time.

I did ask if I should still plan on making chili verde for Christmas.  "Of course!  It wouldn't be Christmas without it!"  Silly me.


Kathryn Williams said...

Maybe there is a compromise but it needs do-re-mi. There are quite a few markets here from which you can order pretty much a full meal...all you do is tell them the size of your crowd, order ahead of time, pick it up, pay for it, take it home...and serve (probably do some heating up). You could try that but just tell them your crowd is bigger than it is and voila, you have leftovers. BUT, you still have some prep and some clean up, which you wouldn't have in a restaurant, but you'd get a traditional meal in the comfort of your own home, without all the time put in to the prep.

josephgabriel said...