Monday, October 7, 2019

'Tis The Season

I had been told that Michael had a sneezing problem.  He does.  He even came with a big bottle of allergy pills, although Florence said she hadn't noticed they did any good.  After my one disastrously failed attempt to give Michael a pill, I'd rather give him a tissue.  Being such a conscientious fellow, he cleans up any residue in the house himself.  He has more good days than bad, and he doesn't sneeze continuously, but in spurts.

It is the time of year when hot days alternate with cold, and I get a drippy nose.  Michael and I are quite a pair on our walks, both of us snorting and sniffing as we go.  It's a good thing we're not often in public.

We are having company this week.  Linda is coming by tomorrow; it's been ages since I've seen her and she has yet to meet Michael.  And Clay is coming up!  The change in weather has me thinking about cooking again, and albondigas are sounding better and better.  Clay is such a pleasure to cook for.

I got another five this morning!  A full house or, better yet, four of a kind are in the realm of possibility.  Hey, you take your excitement where you find it.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I've heard of "binge watching" and I guess I am binge reading to catch up, and it's nice because I need to find out how the poker hand turns out!