Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Everything's Coming Up...

Not just roses (song from Gypsy, 1959 Broadway musical, think Ethel Merman) the peonies are starting to burst open, too.  These are always the first and are singles.  These flowers are nearly four inches across.  It's as if they know they aren't as showy as their full-blown double cousins and want to hit the stage running.  Regardless, I await the buds' opening like I was waiting for the curtain to go up...and the deer and squirrels don't eat 'em!  I long for color in my yard.

The roses and peonies are being overcome by weeds.  Almost overnight, and definitely in a matter of days, weeds have gone from ground cover to sometimes two feet high, and that's not an exaggeration.  Pre-Michael, I would be out weeding every morning.  It's hard to pull weeds and hold onto a leash.  I don't know if Michael would still take off up the road and I'm not willing to take a chance.  He would probably take abandonment in his stride if I left him in the house (he's such a trouper), but I hate to disappoint him and he does love his outings.  I've got to hunt up the lunge line I used to use with the livestock.

The glazier's helper came yesterday and installed the new picture window in the living room.  It's grand to be able to look out and not see "rain" dripping down between the panes.  There was a hitch, however.  I had discovered another 'break' in one of the smaller windows that was also leaking.  I'd thought it was just the cloudy old screen, but no.  Another wait and more $$$.  Sigh.  If it's not one thing, it's another...always something and it never ends.

Michael doesn't know it yet, but we're going to go to town today.  He likes it.  I don't, but what cannot be cured must be endured.

Time to get this production going...the play must go on.

Stay safe.  Be well,

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Sound like things are indeed coming up roses and peonies in your world. Yay! (Except for your trip to town.)