Thursday, May 6, 2021

Old Soul

I often wonder what Michael was like as a puppy.  Puppies are bouncy and playful and get into trouble.  Michael is none of those things.  Was he trained to be sedate or was he just born with his dignified, old-man personality?  Even when he shows a display of enthusiasm, as he does when we have "company" like Helper Dude, it is moderate and short-lived, a wag of the tail and a look in the face is about it.  I am thrilled if I get a lick on my hand.  "Oh!  You gave me kissies!"  Even his kisses are brief and dry and rarely given.

As I've said, Michael naps all over the living room or, to be honest, whatever room I'm in.  Lately, he's taken to lying under the end table next to my chair.  Like Goldilocks, he's found a bed that is just his size, a dog garage, as it were.  Maybe I'm desperate to interpret this as him wanting to be near me while not being so forward as to lie next to my feet.  I'll happily take it.

Helper Dude put in a couple of hours yesterday afternoon.  What that man can get done in such a short time is amazing.  I am so grateful for him his and many acts of kindness above and beyond his work.  He keeps this place from looking so ragtag and weedy.

Getting the screens replaced was timely.  As hot as it got yesterday, it was grand to open the second door in the living room and get a cross breeze.  In a week I've gone from long-sleeve turtlenecks to a tee-shirt, and I see tank-tops in my future, and I'm thinking about a haircut for Michael.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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