Thursday, May 27, 2021

That's Entertainment

That's Entertainment, 1974 MGM film to celebrate 50 years in the industy.

Cats have a boundless capacity for amusement, and it doesn't take much.  A penlight, a feather, their sister's tail and they're off and running, pouncing, chasing.  They will sit mesmerized by a fish tank or bowl.  I never feel bad about having to leave Ralph and Celeste on their own.

Lately, now that it's warming up again outside, lots of Lizzies come out in the afternoon to sun themselves on the porch.   They really soak it in and will not move if Michael and I pass within inches when we step out for a walk.  They have become a source of fascination for Celeste and her brother.  They will sit like statues at the screen door, watching for I don't know what.  A leaf will blow by and is totally ignored; they're focused like a laser on the lizards.  Go figure.  I feel I should serve popcorn.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

We drove from Costa Mesa to Beverly Hills to see That's Entertainment, and that was a rare outing for us. Such a fun movie!