Monday, May 17, 2021

Just A Word

The bat house.  All it needs is to be hung, and possibly painted with a Welcome sign (no, bats can't read and it might scare them).

I want to say a word or two about my friend Florence.  We've been friends for lo, these many years now and her skills never fail to impress.

Back in the dawn of our friendship, we were both single.  I had moved into a condo with a large, unfinished backyard.  Florence took one look and said, "You need a deck," and started the search for materials.  Like the bat house, Florence found and used recycled scrap lumber and built the perfect addition.  No plans, no instructions, just Ta Da!  She invited me up to her cabin in Hayfork.  I knew she had built it herself, and didn't know what to expect.  What I found was a charming two-story rustic cabin with as many amenities as the remote area would allow.  Simply amazing.

Florence is in the process now of building a greenhouse and somehow got sidetracked into bat houses, probably because of excess scrap lumber.  With Florence, nothing goes to waste.  I was happy to contribute a little when I had my deck replaced.  As in The Field Of Dreams  (1980, Kevin Costner, James Earl Jones), "If you build it, they will come."  In this case, if you need it, Florence will build it.

Another trip to town today.  Evidently this is to be a weekly event for awhile.  Aarrgh.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Hayfork..can’t believe you know that place
My home for 30 years was HYAMPOM, just 20 miles down the road...and still in all my dreams .
I wonder if I knew Florence?

The place has dramatically changed into a busy POT community, but in the seventies, it was a Back to the Land spot for many of us who were dreamers.
We read Organic Gardening and canned purslane and wore our Birchenstocks.
Some of us still do.