Sunday, May 23, 2021

Give Me A Minute

I had a real bad case of the Grumps yesterday.  There wasn't much that could please me, and that's the sad truth.  "Oh, please, Michael...again?"  We'd been out several times already, but there's no way I could tell those eyes no, so out we went.  It's Michael's habit at a certain time in the afternoon to go over to the picnic table under the oak and we just sit.  It's not a 'business' outing.  We just sit.  He has scraped out a comfy bunker for himself in the dirt at the end where I sit at the table.  I was ready to complain about the chill wind and just about anything else that came to mind.  I should have been rejoicing because I'd thought of enough excuses not to go to town that I'd put it off another day, but as I said, not much was going to please me, so there.

Then I took a minute and looked, really looked, at my surroundings.  All the shades of green in my yard and on the hills across the road.  Clouds boiling up with the promise of rain (we didn't get any, but the thought was there).  Birds flitting across the sky and their chirp and flutter in the tree over my head.  And the quiet, the blessed soul-balm quiet.    Farview worked its charm again and my grumpiness drained away.  Thank you, Michael.

It was a good day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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