Thursday, May 8, 2014


"The farmer on the hill, the farmer on the hill.  Heigh-Ho, the derry-o!  The farmer on the hill."  (With apologies to that other farmer down in the dell.)  When I was a kid, I thought I was singing "dairy-o;" it fit better with my idea of a farmer.
When I showed Craig my lettuce field, although suitably impressed, he said he wasn't ready to rush in for the vinaigrette just yet.  Hmmm.  I'm just glad the seeds finally started to sprout.

The yellow cherry tomato crop is just about ready (that might be a bit optimistic).  I see a salad in my future.

And for dessert, strawberry shortcake!  The squirrel hasn't told me the berries are ripe yet, so I'm trying to be patient.

It was a day for mowing (got the west field cut down) and laundry (all the bedding and all the socks), sunny with a nice breeze.  Maybe I'll get the potatoes and onions planted today.  It's tough to be the farmer and the farmer's wife at the same time.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Lookin' good, Farmer and Farmer's Wife!! Yum!