Saturday, May 24, 2014


My television has been dying a slow death for a long while now.  I'm pretty sure we bought it before moving here, which would make it over seventeen years (I think that's about 119 in dog years).  I went on a fact-finding mission yesterday; wanted to check out a possible replacement before the old TV died.  That may seem heartless, but it's best to be prepared for the worst.  I asked the nice man what I could get that would be the biggest bang for my buck.  I may go back and get that 50" monster.  The thing is, a new TV will require an upgrade for the satellite receivers.  Up here, there is no such thing as cable and no antennas (shows how long it's been since I've bought a television; do they still make antennas?).  Another nice man will come to change them out today so I'll be ready when the time comes.  That meant I stayed up way past my bedtime trying to watch stuff I'd DVRd before the boxes go bye-bye.  It also means that I must dust this morning lest I be thought a lazy lout.

Speaking of upgrades, the hobbits had broken their waterer and I picked up a new style for them as long as I was in town.  All prior waters have had opaque water tanks.  The new one is clear, with a day-glo green base (like chickens care about that).  The goofy hobbits, having drunk all the water in the interim bowl, were thirsty, but all of them pecked at the water they could see in the new tank instead of lowering their heads to the water in the base.  Maybe the day-glo green turned them off.  It's not like you can explain anything to a chicken.  They may have thought it was a form of water torture, a tease for the dehydrated.  Finally, the sharpest pencil in the box dipped her beak in the bowl.  It wasn't long before they were all slurping to their hearts' content.  They accepted the upgrade.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

We are "swapping out" our refrigerator today (long story) and thank goodness my son pointed out that this weekend is one of "Big Memorial Day Sales." I looked for a replacement on Wednesday, asked about weekend sales, and was told that by Thursday the price would drop $304! That being nothing to sneeze at, I went back Thursday and sealed the deal. I know your old TV is not dead, but I hope you can take advantage of a "Big Box" sale somewhere! Happy Big TV viewing! Silly Hobbits!