Thursday, July 21, 2016


I met my friend Harold for a late lunch yesterday and we went to Jackson, the southern equivalent of Placerville.  It's a pretty drive through rolling hills in the heart of gold country and the tiny hamlet of Dry Town.  Before the new road went in the winding, two-lane road crept through Amador City and Sutter Creek, slow going.  The now four-lane highway bypasses those towns and shortens the driving time.  Few of us up here will leave home for just one thing, so we made a stop before lunch for a piece of hardware Harold needed and at a grocery store afterward.  It turns out that Harold is a shopper, zipping around in a motorized grocery cart like a NASCAR driver.

I feel much like Cinderella at the stroke of midnight on those rare occasions when I get gussied up and wear a dress, a couple of times a year, I'd say.  On coming home, my white horses turn back into mice, the truck is a pumpkin, and I'm back in baggy bibbies.  The ball is over.

It was a good day.

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