Friday, December 8, 2017

In The Loop

"Keep me in the loop," usually means, "Be sure I get the news, too."  Well, I realize I'm definitely in the endless loop that is Project DIN.  Some of the initial chores have moved themselves back on the list and need doing again and my enthusiasm is waning.  Can't say I was moving at breakneck speed yesterday, but did do enough to justify a fire in the afternoon.  That's progress.

Cold weather has me thinking about cooking again.  Summer dinners might consist of a bowl of cereal because the kitchen is too hot to be in there for any length of time.  I came to parsnips late in life, but once tried on a whim, they became a favorite, and they came to mind the other day.  My preferred method is to roast them with carrots and perhaps a few Brussels sprouts.  I need to go up to the grocery store today anyhow, and with any luck there will be parsnips.

While feeding the girls in the morning, a little mouse crept out, the first I've seen in a long time.  I put a dribble of grain down for it, hoping mousie would get it before the larger barn hooligans.  While I don't want the bigger bad boys in there, there is a huge sense of relief when the lid is removed and nothing is in the bucket but feed.  It goes against my nature to kill.

Well after dark the other night, suddenly there were cats on the deck just outside the living room, yowling and banging into things as they fought.  (I think they were fighting; cats in courtship are very vocal, too.)  Why they had to pick my house, I've no idea.  Ralph and Celeste, both neutered, ran to look out the windows, but Bessie Anne is so deaf now she didn't even lift her head.  In the morning, I found potted plants and a chair knocked over.  I hope the cats either settled their differences or she finally said yes.  Talk about noisy neighbors.

I'll get back on the housework treadmill today, moving forward and getting nowhere.  Sigh.

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