Sunday, December 31, 2017

Flip The Lid

Like any female, I appreciate it when males in the house both lift and then put the toilet seat down.  Something I learned from 9/11, however, was to leave the lid up if there are indoor pets.  First responders were searching through apartment buildings and they kept saying that they hoped people had left the lid up so animals had a source of water if the owners didn't return.  For someone like myself who lives alone, accidents can happen and I make sure the lids are always up, just in case.  It means I cannot use any of the "blue" cleaning products that stay in the bowl, as handy as they are.  (And that's my lecture for the day.)

On the last day of the year, I've been pondering what resolutions I might make for 2018.  I think I'll stick with Project Do-It-Now.  It's been working pretty well, although I haven't gotten around to watering the house plants in the round room and they're looking pretty droopy.  Even with neglect, Zygocactus are so forgiving.  Steve gave me one when we were dating (1987) and it is still alive.  I also have a Chinese evergreen office plant that I rescued when I took a new job in 1994.  The poor thing was down to one limp leaf when I started giving it food and water.  I took the plant with me when we moved up here, and it's lived in the bathroom for 20 years.  I recommend both plants to procrastinators like myself.

Back to DIN.  It saved me from running around like a headless chicken when the Kids came up for Christmas; a quick swipe with a dust rag and we were good to go.  One thing I've not yet been able to face is the feed shed and the destruction wrought by the rats.  I'll put that on the list, but down at the bottom.  I'm in no hurry to tackle that scene.

Happy New Year, everyone!  Party down, and leave the lid up.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I like your DIN and think I'll give it a try. I used to be better at it, but, as you know, when you live alone, sometimes it does not initially matter if something is put off. But the piper always has to be paid!! Here's to a great 2018.