Sunday, December 3, 2017

Pick Of The Day

Celeste was very picky while making her selection(s), nosing and pawing through the baskets.  Some babies were stamped "Reject" and tossed aside while she continued to search for just the right one.  Finally, having made her choice and with her mouth full, she went off down the hall, singing all the way.  Go figure.

Bessie began barking, "Intruder, intruder!," and ran to the living room door to the deck.  I went to see what had set her off, and there was Honey coming slowly toward us.  She really was funny as she knew she shouldn't have left home without permission and wasn't sure of her welcome here.  When I let her in and she was sure I wasn't going to scold her, omigosh, she stuck to me like a limpet.  As I told Camille when she came to pick up her wayward girl, I'd rather have Honey (and even Sammi) come here where they'd be safe when they were out on the town than down on the big road where they could get killed.  It brought back memories of Faye, the old black lab who used to come by every so once in awhile for a couple of cookies and a time-out on the porch waiting for her owners to pick her up.

The harsh realities of farm life were brought home to me last evening.  The trap I'd set in the barn had, in fact, caught a rat, a big one.  Unfortunately, it had caught, but not killed; that was left to me.  I did not have the most pleasant dreams in my sleep.

The DIN project paid off because the leaves got blown off just in time before the rain came sometime last night.  It really poured for awhile, but it has stopped just in time for Bess's potty run this morning, and only her feet got wet.  I took yesterday off, but it will be full steam ahead again today.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

The Tale of the Toys is a riot...the rat, not s'much. Interesting that Honey came for a visit, but how nice she stayed safe! Bye...I need to go DIN.