Thursday, October 4, 2018

Better Than Nothing

This bit of sunshine at dusk was our only peek yesterday, otherwise there was nothing but a grey, overcast sky.  Surprisingly warm, it felt muggy until about 2:00 and then it finally rained.  Briefly.  I'm not complaining because it rinsed the dust off the truck and, boy, did Truck need it.  There was just enough to settle the dust on the paths, too, but not enough to water the plants.  Some is better than none.

Along about noon I heard the chickens fire off.  Always worried about a predator, Bessie and I went out to see what the ruckus was all about.  One little hen was standing dejectedly outside alone and the rest of the flock was standing inside yelling at her, led by Stanley.  I'm thinking that all of those feathers floating about are from this one girl because her back is plucked nearly bald.  What in the world would cause the others to literally pick on her like that?  The peaceful kingdom isn't always so peaceful.  As I've thought so many times before, can't we all just get along?  I can sympathize with the outcast, but there's not much I can do about her plight.  At least the meanies let her come in last night.  That's better than nothing.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Aw, chicken fighting...sad! We got some sprinkles but not enough. Yours will come, I know.