Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Happy Days

No, not "Happy Days," the 1974-84 sitcom with Ron Howard and Henry Winkler, yesterday was a happy day of my very own.  Perfect weather, beautiful scenery, and the company of good friends...what could be better?  Well, throw in the long-awaited Chinese food for lunch and you've put the cherry on top.  Kit volunteered to drive so I sat like a lady of leisure and just gave directions and looked at the scenery.  Tinka, Kit and I chattered like magpies.  The Kids' dad could never understand how my mother, sister, and I could keep track of a conversation as topics got tossed about like pinballs.  "How can you finish each other's sentences and know what you're saying?"  He called it skip-talk.  Yesterday was like that.  And the laughter!  How good it is to laugh with friends.  We don't get together often, but each time it is as if we'd seen each other the day before.  Lunch was delicious and I brought home leftovers that will last for days.

Kit spoils me when she visits, and I have to admit I get excited like a little kid to see see what she's brought.  The one sure thing will be a few packets of different kinds of licorice, for which I have a weakness.  I love the stuff, but never buy it for myself.  In addition, she brings some unusual treasure.  In the surprise bag yesterday there were a pair of white porcelain La Mancha goat salt-and-pepper shakers to add to my collection, and a ceramic pig that gave me pause.  Small, with a slice across its back.  Hmmm.  I thought I might have figured it out, and that was confirmed by Kit later.  It is a placecard holder.  For someone who sometimes feels she should sew name tags into her clothes, this will keep me in my place!

It was an unhurried day, but we were all reluctant to have it end.  Hugs and kisses all around, and the happy day was over, the memory to be taken out again and again to relish.

It was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh it WAS a good, good day indeed!