Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Push The Button

In 1965 there was a terrific movie, "The Great Race," with Jack Lemmon, Peter Falk, Tony Curtis, and Natalie Wood.  The memorable line for me was when Professor Fate (Lemmon) would tell his bumbling sidekick (Falk) to "Push the button, Max!," and comedic mayhem would ensue.  In my case, it's more of a "Don't push the button."  I do pretty well with gadgetry and electronics, sometimes learning on my own and sometimes with the tutelage of my Kids.  My downfall comes with the cellphone.  I cannot say how many times I've hung up on a caller, even when I really, really wanted to speak with them.  It is ingrained in me to read from left to right so the phone rings and I push the left button.  It matters not that the left button is red and the right (and correct to answer) is green.  (Colorblind people must be in a world of hurt.)  Call me on my cellphone and you take your chances.

Yesterday I had the opposite embarrassing situation.  During a sit-down break, I decided to delete some obsolete numbers from the "phone book."  Having some success, I got cocky.  Thumbing down the list, I landed on my dear son-in-law's work number.  To my horror, the phone called him!  One ring and I realized what I'd done and hung up immediately, hoping he'd either not hear it or ignore it.  That is not in his nature and he called me.  "Hi Mom."  Unless it were a true emergency, I do not call anyone while they're working and I became red faced and profusely apologetic.  Bless his heart, he laughed when I explained what my phone had done (it certainly wasn't my doing).  I can imagine his answer when my daughter asked him last evening how his day was.

The sun rose yesterday under a heavy blanket of clouds and I really thought we might get some of that promised rain.  It didn't happen.  The clouds burned off and it turned into a bluebird day.  I spoke with an aunt up in Lake County where it was raining cats and dogs.  Go figure.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Well I think your son-in-law would give you higher marks for NOT "Butt-Dialing" least you had the dang thing in your hand. BELIEVE me, you are NOT the first whose fingers have landed on the wrong places!!! I usually text immediately if I fear they have heard a ring :-)