Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Yesterday saw the happy completion of a rather lengthy computer project.  I was out of darn near anything edible and was going to take a shower and head to the store when I heard, "Hellooo?"  Knowing I looked like the wreck of the Hesperus, I sure wasn't expecting anyone.  Oh, good grief.  I'm in the process of changing home insurance companies and the nice man had come to inspect the property.  I know he's a nice man because he went back to his car and brought out a "cookie" for Bess Anne, my official, very polite greeter.  Not only was I a disaster, I was embarrassed for the property.  Not being able to mow in that brief period of time between too wet and too hot, dry, high weeds abounded, but, as Beau says, what're ya gonna do?  Fingers crossed.  PS:  I really dislike the new hybrid cars (sorry, my daughter owns one).  They quietly sneak up the drive and arrive without my knowing.  Give me even a big old diesel any day.  With few-to-no unexpected guests, I like to be forewarned.

Coming back from restocking the groceries, I found a message from Tinka.  She called back later and gave me the answer to my unknown night creature.  Turns out it's a fox!  She recognized that hoarse, almost choking sound I'd heard and knew right away what it was.  I'm very familiar with the yips and yodels of coyotes, and now it's nice to have one of life's other mysteries solved.

Tinka also gave me some happy news.  Kit is going to come up next week and we're going to make another attempt at going for Chinese food together.  We tried last June, but drove into town only to find that the restaurant had closed (that day!) for a month's vacation and we had to settle for a hamburger.  It will be so good to see both of these very enjoyable ladies.

All said and done, it was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

So looking forward to the long-awaited Chinese Food!!! And a fox, huh? Good for Tinka (AKA Katherine, for anyone who cares :-)