Sunday, October 14, 2018

Sound Off

I've been wondering lately if the cats are concerned about hearing loss.  It would be understandable.  As I've said before, the television is on all day here so there is always background noise whether I'm watching anything or not.  It might be my imagination, but it seems to me that there are more and more commercials these days.  Even on the morning news channel, one or two items of interest will be followed by, and I've counted, five or six ads.  I understand that is how the television companies make money, but I'm getting crotchety and I find them irritating in such quantity.  That doesn't even speak to the time given to political candidates in an election year.  I will never understand why it is necessary to resort to name calling and really nasty mud slinging.  It certainly doesn't elevate a person and, in my opinion, speaks poorly to one's character.

Back to the cats.  My way of dealing with commercials, etc., these days is to simply turn the sound off while ads are running.  They may be a necessary evil, but I don't have to listen to them and the mute button gets a lot of action.  If it's a recorded program, I hit fast forward.  My life is certainly more peaceful, but I wonder what the cats think about the periodic silence in the house.  Bessie Anne doesn't hear anything anyhow, so it's of no concern to her.

Maybe it was the heat when the chickens arrived that kept them inside.  We've had weather in the 70s lately (yay!) and the flock is spending more time outdoors every day.  They operate in the reverse of my recent practice, and still only turn the sound on now and then.  Oh well.

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Monday.....I bet you have no power up there.....chronically says 60,000 people without power.
Auburn has been okay,but I was very worried..all electric house.