Saturday, October 27, 2018

Drat And Goody

Oh nooo!  Deb texted yesterday that Craig had gone home sick from work.  I wouldn't have that dear man feel poorly for the world, but this was a case of awful timing.  I was so looking forward to their visit today, but I so appreciate them not sharing germs.  Sigh.  (Also, Deb had told me that, as my personal shoppers, they'd picked up a large package of frozen potstickers, which have become a staple of my diet lately.)  I'm hoping that my daughter doesn't catch whatever bug Craig brought home.

On the bright side, Clay also texted and said he's coming up with a load of firewood on Monday or Tuesday.  Do these Kids take care of their mama or what?  Clay is such good company, and it's so much fun to cook for him.  He's a bachelor who appreciates a home-cooked meal.  I start planning a menu as soon as I learn he's coming up.  Also on the bright side, this means all that dusting won't go to waste.

I watch the news as much for the weather as anything else (everything else is pretty depressing).  It's hard to gloat about our perfect fall days when so many states are being devastated by storms, wind, rain, and even snow, but it's so pretty here now.  The vineyards are changing color, as happens after the harvest, and the reds, yellows, and oranges are laying a patchwork quilt over the hills.  Walking up from the barn, I'm in no hurry to go into the house.

Celeste is cruising the hall, crooning to whichever piglet she's picked up this time.  Bess is asleep with her head on my feet, and Ralph is on the bed behind me, patting my shoulder with his feather-light touch, wanting to come over onto my lap.  Aside from being disappointed that the Kids aren't coming up, all's right in my world.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

So sorry about Craig...but glad that Clay is coming and you painted such a lovely picture of the autumn colors!