Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Kickin' It

One can only take so much excitement, and Monday's outing was it for me.  Yesterday was a kick-back day, spent trying to clear off a lot of recorded programs on DVR.  They tend to pile up while I watch something live or try a new series.

The Chinese leftovers did not last as long as I'd thought.  They would have had I not had some for dinner on Monday and then breakfast, lunch, and dinner yesterday.  Gosh, it was good.  The Hong Kong Inn uses Szechuan chilis in the oil that gives a nice kick.

The little kids found their voice!  While no one will accuse them of being Chatty Cathys, at least I could hear them talking off and on yesterday.  I like that sound.

Ralph was also kickin' it, having remade the guest bed to his liking.  It must frustrate him that I make my (our) bed every day. He uses his artistic talents elsewhere.  I'm sure he was an interior decorator in another life.

It wasn't until after the goats and chickens were in for the night and almost dark when I remembered it was take-the-trash-down day.  Yikes!  I hustled to get my meager offering and Bess into the truck.  Living on a narrow, one-lane dirt road, it is the courteous custom to pull off where possible when meeting another vehicle, as I did on the way back.  The oncoming truck stopped to say hi as he passed.  It was Fritz from up on Irish Acres, the owner of Fay, the old black lab who used to come visiting.  We haven't talked in ages.  Fritz is semi-retired now and trying to get used to just kicking back.

It was a good day.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Well look at you eating 3 meals a day. So glad the Chinese leftovers provided 5 fun meals! Yay!!