Wednesday, October 24, 2018


There's an old saying, "If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride."  Looking at the drifts and piles of leaves in the yard, the porch, the deck, I think, "If leaves were dollars, I'd be a very wealthy woman."  Heck, I'd settle for dimes.  If I got an infusion of ambition, my house would sparkle and be ready for a visit from the Queen.  I did have ambitious plans yesterday, but unloading feed from the truck in the morning took the starch out of me and I needed a sit-down after chores.  If I worked out with weights, I might regain some muscle tone, but there's that

If things work out and we all stay well, Deb and Craig will come up this Saturday.  Disappointingly, several times in the past month a planned visit has had to be postponed.  Fingers crossed this time!

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Aw, fingers crossed for sure!!!