Saturday, October 13, 2018

Time Warp

In speaking with others recently I find that I'm not the only one who thinks something weird is happening to time.  It's like the clock has slipped a gear and is going faster and faster.  Old movies would indicate the passing of time by showing the pages of a calendar flipping rapidly by.  I can darn near see that happening now.  I'll think about doing something or meeting up with someone and zut! before I know it the opportunity has passed.

I got a call from a long-time friend yesterday.  We try to get together at least once a year for lunch, but realized that it's been two years since we last met...and it seems like just a few months ago.  It makes my head spin.

The Kids might have thought I'd slipped a cog when I asked so early for a consensus on Thanksgiving, but now look...the holiday is only a month away.  And then comes Christmas, and then the New Year.  Aarrgh!  I've still got plastic eggs from Easter in the kitchen!

It wasn't this way back in the day.  The nine-month school year dragged on and we thought summer vacation would never come.  Then when we were finally set free, those three months lasted so long we got bored and couldn't wait for school to start again so we could see our friends.  Go figure.

It is a reality that the days are getting shorter.  Sunup isn't until nearly 7 now, and I go down to put the goats in the barn by 6:30.  I just read that California is considering not changing to Daylight Saving Time, or maybe just keeping DST all year.  Personally, I'm for it.  I have enough trouble with time as it is.

On a happy note, the little hen who was so picked on, literally, is almost fully feathered again.  I was going to call her Godiva since she was "stripped," but see that won't work now that she's clothed.  She still remains separated from the rest of the flock.  The others cluster together on the roosts at night, but she has made her space between the feed barrels alone.  What in the world would make a chicken an outcast?

Well, here it is Saturday.  Seems like only a day or two ago it was trash Tuesday.  Where did the time go?

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

YES...the time just flies!! Odd, huh?