Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Another Turn

The carousel made another turn...same view yesterday as the day before and just about at the same time.  Nobody asked me, but I prefer this one.  Sunshine does a lot to lift the spirits.  (Remind me I said this during the endless days of summer.)  That early evening whiteout had filled in any gaps that might have melted and then the temperature plummeted so there was a pretty thick coating of ice on top of the snow, making for slow going while feeding the livestock.  I didn't see Missy in the barn, but her bowl was empty so I know she's been around.

Ralph has taken up a new career as a baker, something he has not done before.  Celeste jumps up on my lap and settles down for a nap.  Ralph is usually off doing Ralph things, but lately he's been joining his sister, but not to sleep.  He makes muffins on my arm, my leg...wherever Celeste has left space.  Pum pum pum, that rhythmic kneading motion that cats do.  It seems to make him happy and since he's very gentle with his claws I don't mind.  I wonder if his muffins are flavored with catnip.

The porch rack was down to the last few pieces of firewood and needed restocking.  Enough snow had melted off the driveway that I thought I could use the wagon instead of the sled.  Yeah, well.  The woodpile is under the shelter of a big live oak where the snow was still thick.  By the time I'd managed to bring three loads up to the house, the wheels on the wagon were twice their size with collected white stuff.  That's okay, I'm only good for three loads anyway.  Stove has had a full time job.  It's all of 26 this morning and I'm not sure we ever got above the 30s yesterday.  Brrr.  More snow is predicted for tomorrow.  Looks like we're in for another spin on the merry-go-round.

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