Sunday, February 10, 2019

While I Can

Oh boy, here we go again!  I absolutely had to go to town yesterday, but, me being me, I put it off longer than I should have.  It had rained off and on during the day and I was hoping for a break.  The hospital where I had to drop off the Holter monitor (only almost a week late) was having its own problems.  Many of the departments were closed and dark and there was minimal staff.  They must have been on generators, but it was eerie.

There were so many trees down along the roads you'd have thought there'd been a tornado.  The same neighbor whose tree hit the power pole during the last snow had another one go down.  It didn't hit anything, but blocked half of our already narrow dirt road.  So far, so good with the power.

Among a couple of other stops, I had to go to Wally World.  The locusts had come through and many of the shelves were empty.  I didn't get all the things on my list, but enough to survive...and cat litter!  It was raining hard by the time I was ready to drive home and it was getting dark.  I'm at that stage when I dislike driving in rain and/or at night, so I can't say it was a pleasant ride home.  The first splats of snow hit the windshield just as I turned at Gray's Corner, just a hop, skip, and jump from my house.  I'd stoked the fire well before leaving so I walked in to lovely warmth and the power was still on.  Yay!

The storm hit big time after dark, wind howling like a banshee.  I can tell from the flashing clock that there must have been a power outage.during the night, but I have lights!

Just took this, and more snow is falling.  It's about an inch more than the last go-round.  Sure is pretty.  I wasn't sure when I woke up how long the electricity would stay on, so I haven't even had my coffee yet, thinking I'd better write this while I can.  I'm off now for a hot cup of java!

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