Monday, February 18, 2019


We seem to be on a winter carousel, seeing the same scenes on every turn and getting nowhere.  I needed the sled again to get alfalfa to the goats yesterday morning, and then care-ful-ly crunch my way down the slope to get to the barn to feed Missy.  It was hard to push the gate open through the six or so inches of snow enough to squeeze through.  The white stuff swirled through the air and I ended up looking like the Abominable Snowman, or at least like I'd been dusted liberally with powdered sugar.

Wasn't I grateful that Stove had cooperated and fired right up before I'd left the house?  And we had power!  Boy, heat and light make a big difference in my attitude.  Fortified with a cup of hot cider, I was happily watching the morning news when, oh good grief, the wind-driven snow filled the satellite dish and wiped out reception again.  On those occasions I can still see prerecorded programs and I keep a backlog on hand just in case.  The question was, would the dish clear before the Daytona race?  I knew Clay would keep me updated if it didn't, but the NASCAR gods were smiling and the signal came back with just minutes to spare.  Yay!  It was a helluva race.

The snow and wind stopped and the deck frosting began to melt.  My niece called toward sundown.  I was telling her about my misadventures with Stove, saying that I knew for sure when the house was warm again...there were no cats on my lap; they'd opted to stretch out by the hearth.  I could see that the sun (which had made an appearance) was going down and then, out of nowhere, we were in a whiteout storm!  Yeesh!

It's 28 degrees this morning and Bess fought her way over the snow on her early morning outing.  She sure didn't linger outside and yelped to be let back in.  I guess we're on the merry-go-round again.

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