Monday, February 11, 2019

Whacky Weather

After I took that photo of the snow yesterday, it kept falling for maybe another inch.  Thank goodness I have the sled to haul feed or I'd have been in trouble.  Just getting to the feed and then to the chickens and goats was pretty dicey, and Bess and I were happy to get to the house with all parts intact.  My stumpy-legged little girl had been bounding through belly-deep drifts, ears flopping.  She was considerate enough to stay on the porch while pulling off her snow boots (literally, her legs were coated in snow).  There was a spell when TV reception was lost due to snow packed in the satellite dish, but it didn't last long.

It was light, fluffy snow and it started melting off the trees almost as soon as the sun came out.  Drip, drip, plop all day.  The trees were clear in no time, but there were a couple of inches left on the ground and the deck.  That is going to be a problem today because we're down in the 20s this morning and that leftover white stuff is frozen solid.  I could tell that this morning because Bessie Anne went out for a piddle and didn't even crunch through the surface.  I'm hoping the sun does a good job this morning.  I haven't been on ice skates since Hector was a pup and sure don't want a refresher course.

I had a number of calls during the day from friends and relatives.and it was so nice to have contact with them all.  My niece called in the evening and we had a lengthy conversation and a trip down memory lane.  She's only six years younger than I and our talk was full of "Do you remember?"

We're supposedly due for a day of sunshine, followed by days of rain.  I guess that's better than all rain or more snow.  I'll try to explain that to the goats.

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