Saturday, February 2, 2019


How's this for a way to start the day?

It's definitely not like that this morning.  Wind and rain have returned big time.  I am just glad the storm held off while I made the trip to town and back yesterday.  I even lucked out with traffic.  While there were a lot of cars on the road, they were coming in the opposite direction both ways.  Better than having some bozo crawling up your tailpipe.

The Fair Play tree is growing.  I get the pleasure of seeing my neighbor's livestock without having their care and feeding.  Those critters in the photo are newly shorn alpacas; makes for a bucolic scene.

Ah, the joys of a mammogram.  It is a completely painless procedure.  One learns to leave embarrassment at the door while having a complete stranger handle personal parts, adjusting here and there as needed.

Next was the fitting of the Holter monitor to monitor heart rate, again painless.  However, I feel like I'm wired for stereophonic sound.  It's more awkward than anything else.  The little gizzy with wires attached that runs the whole shebang needs to go in a pocket.  That created a problem this morning.  Ralph has a fascination bordering on obsession with wires and cords.  He thought I got a new toy for him when he wanted to come onto my lap.  Umm, no, kiddo.  They wanted me to bring the Holter back on Sunday.  Again, not gonna happen, not on Super Bowl Sunday.  I have priorities.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Not quite "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"...but close enough! And I have found that as one ages, the mammograms are less painful, but in the beginning, when gravity had not yet started, the pain was intense!