Sunday, February 3, 2019

Take It Back

Thank goodness for DVR and modern technology because I have to retract my adamant statement from yesterday.  Given that we are due for days of snow starting tomorrow, I will be going to town today to return the Holter monitor.  Discretion is, after all, the better part of valor.  Fingers crossed that we don't lose power.

The ongoing storm was a doozy yesterday.  Strong winds and torrential rain were the norm all day until sundown when, believe it or not, the sun came out for a last hurrah.  It made putting the girls (and one guy) to bed much easier.  I had been worried because my itinerant hairdresser had called earlier in the day and said she would be in the area after five and I didn't want her traveling in that weather.  She's a good friend, and we had a grand visit and I got a much-needed haircut.  It's been said that dogs and owners end up looking alike, and Bessie Anne and I were very much looking like shaggy-dog twins.  It could be worse.  Bess could have been a bulldog.  (Apologies to bulldogs.)  (And their owners.)

The wind is howling again this morning, still coming from the south.  There is one window in the bedroom that I was unable to close completely.  Yesterday the rain and wind were so hard water was coming in to the point all I could do was put down a towel to keep it from flooding the computer and desk.  Ufdah!

I am not looking forward to the trip today, but when do I ever?  Like the weather, it's a case of grin and bear it.  Oh well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

I have a friend in the Santa Barbara area of Santa Ynez, and they received Tornado Watches on their phones in the middle of the night!! She knows she's not in Kansas any more!