Monday, February 4, 2019

Judgement Call

Super Bowl referees weren't the only ones making calls yesterday.  The monitor thingy could not be removed until after three o'clock and by then the storm was at its worst.  You get a pretty good idea of how strong the wind is when the beating rain is going horizontal past the window.  I had fully intended to comply with the request to return the device on Sunday, but made a judgement call and phoned the hospital to explain that I felt it wasn't safe to drive over Bucks Bar in weather like that.  Not only did the gal understand, she actually told me that if I did show up, she would yell at me.

Off the hook, I was able to watch football with a clear conscience.  I usually fast-forward or mute commercials, but not during Super Bowl when companies bring out their best.  The Budweiser Clydesdales were, as always, my choice.  There were the usual texts going back and forth between the family.  Even Cam had gotten in on the high-stakes betting.  We were evenly divided between the two teams.  Dave tried bribery to get me to change my favorite, but I'm no traitor.  After the debacle of an obviously missed call during the playoffs, the refs were eagle-eyed yesterday.  Things got pretty tense at the end of the game with the possibility of overtime, but the Patriots pulled it out at the last minute and made me independently wealthy.  Dave, Clay, and Camille owe me a nickel apiece!  Wahoo!

I thought I'd caught a break as the rain stopped when it was time to put the kids to bed.  However, the goats were enjoying the respite outside and refused to go in the barn.  Like naughty children, they even ran into the big pen when I tried to coax them inside.  Okay, girls, have it your way.  I left the door open so they could get in when they were ready.  Even Stanley and his little harem weren't cooperating, but I was finally able to herd then into the coop.

The wind and rain started up again last night and continue this morning.  Yeesh!  I don't think I'll be going to town today, either.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

You guys are really getting pounded. Stay safe!