Sunday, February 17, 2019

Let There Be Heat!

I kid you not, by the time my daughter called yesterday morning I was shivering so hard I could hardly speak.  When this house gets cold, I mean it's cold, and it stays that way.  I left a message for Beau, hoping they hadn't gone for the day.  This goofy weather continued:  rain, wind, snow, wind, a little sunshine, more rain.  Being cold already, it didn't help to come back in wet at feeding time.  But we had power!  I could throw the "beanbag" in the microwave for a few minutes and thaw my fingers.  It saw a lot of action yesterday.  I was watching one of the Saturday cooking shows, wrapped in a heavy jacket, a muffler, and one of Dave's pig hats pulled down around my ears when Beau drove up during one of the brief breaks in the weather.  I could have hugged him!

He went up on the roof and did a second sweep.  We were both surprised and puzzled when no creosote dropped down.  What the heck?!  What could be causing the lack of airflow?  All of a sudden my brain light came on...Stove has a catalytic converter and it hadn't been cleaned in ages.  Stove was as cold as I was, so Beau took off the top plate and I got the converter and we took them outside to clean off the collected creosote with wire brushes.  We both held our breath when Stove was put back in operation to see if the wood would catch.  Oh boy, did it ever!  Yay and whoop whoop!!

Beau left taking a beer and my gratitude with him.  I was kept busy feeding Stove a gourmet meal of oak and cedar the rest of the day.  It took about four hours for the room to get warm enough so I could feel my cheeks and take off the hat, but believe me, I was one happy woman.

It's snowing again this morning.  I'm not going to hang out back here in the bedroom for long.  Stove is waiting for breakfast and I'm only too happy to comply.  I'm not asking for the moon, but the NASCAR Daytona 500 is running today and it would be lovely to be able to watch it.  Fingers crossed for power all day.  Ahh, the joys of country living.

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