Saturday, February 23, 2019

Twinkle Twinkle

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star.  How I wonder what you are.  Up above the world so high.  Like a diamond in the sky."  (English lullaby, 1806)

There are benefits to getting up in the dark 'o morn.  One is getting a potential preview of what might be the weather for the day.  Nature does love her little tricks and might pull a switcheroo later on, "Ha ha, gotcha!," but a crystal-clear night sky like this morning is pure pleasure.  The half moon gave Bess enough light to see her way, and the stars did, in fact, twinkle like diamonds.  No wind howled and there was not a cloud to be seen.  Neither Bessie nor I stayed out long as the temperature is in the 20s, but it sure was pretty.

I got in the habit of rising early when I was working.  The morning hours were "my" time; the rest of the day belonged to my employer.  I haven't set the alarm clock in years.  I still consider the morning my time and write the blog, play solitaire, and check headlines and FB.  The computer doesn't get turned back on the rest of the day, except for the one day a month to pay bills.

There is just enough light now to see the outline of the hills to the east, behind which the sun will rise.  The stars are fading fast.  My coffee cup is empty and "my" time is just about over.  Bring it on, whatever "it" might be today.

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