Thursday, February 14, 2019

Gale Force

I fully expect to see a green-faced witch pedaling past the window on a bicycle a la "Wizard Of Oz" or cows whirling through the air as in "Twister," the winds have been so strong for a couple of days now.  At times there has been accompanying rain beating on the windows and pelting the house.  The south end of the house where the bedroom is takes the brunt of any storm and I liken it to being on the prow of a ship at sea.  The house critters and I decided to take a trip on the good ship Farview last night and went to bed instead of falling asleep in the chair again.  We huddled together like refugees, listening for the crack and thump of a falling tree.  So far, so good.

The primary activity yesterday after barn chores was keeping Stove fed and cranked up.  Tree Guy didn't come by and I didn't blame him.  He lives up in Grizzly Flats and had been snowed in before the rain came.  Best not to travel in these winds.

I don't want to jinx anything by saying it out loud, but I'm amazed we've kept power.  There was a brief blip yesterday and I thought, "Okay, here we go," but it came back on soon.  Yay!  I've located flashlights in every room and have kept the cellphone charged, just in case.  The teapot is filled with water and the dishes are clean, by hand or the dishwasher.

Whether or not we get a break today, I've got to restock the porch rack with firewood.  Stove has a voracious appetite and it's important to keep him fed and happy, and that makes me happy.  Celeste is crooning up and down the hall with one of her piglets.  She has her own way of seeking comfort.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh my!!! Crossing my fingers that no witches or cows fly by. We have been under Flash Flood warning for several hours and I know my roses are going to bloom well this spring. It's nice to not have to go out, although I did thoroughly hose down my driveway. It is frowned upon to do that, but my dear neighbor told me that she does that when it rains because no one will be the wiser. I'm not a water waster, but sometimes a good hosing in the cracks of the cement driveway does the soul good!!! Haha