Monday, October 19, 2020

How's That Workin'?

I wonder why it is that bad habits are so easy to develop and so hard to break.  Good habits, on the other hand, shatter like glass if you skip even one time.  Trust me, I know about these things.  Daytime naps are de rigeur in my house, but then I started falling asleep in the chair about 9 p.m., waking up around midnight or so, only to get interested in something on TV and staying awake until sometimes 2-3 in the morning before going to bed for real.  Obviously, this was not a good habit.  Even the dog was confused.

The last couple of nights, I decided it was time to stop this nonsense and get into a 'real people' routine.  Either I don't need as much sleep as a 'normal' person, or I am totally out of sync.  I'm very used to waking up between 4:30 and 5 a.m., but even when I've propped my eyelids open until around 11 at night, I think 3:30 is too early to start the day.  The new plan isn't working too well for me.  I'm going to stick with this program until I'm positive I've failed.  In the meantime, I see a nap in my future.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Oh I know what you mean. My recliner couch is just the MOST comfortable, but I get myself into such bad habits. I, too, am trying to get myself into a regular bedtime routine! Ya, good luck with that.