Sunday, October 25, 2020

Making Hay

"Make hay while the sun shines" means do a thing when the opportunity arises.  Yesterday my friends Florence and Dan took advantage of being in the neighborhood to stop by for an impromptu visit.  In this case, being 'in the 'hood' meant only ten, maybe fifteen miles away.  They'd had business up on notorious Sandridge Road.  I've been on Sandridge Road start to finish once.  Once was enough, believe me.  It's not quite the equivalent of the Hana Highway, but it is a challenge.  Michael was ecstatic to see his friends, and he joined us on the porch...for a while.  Then he got bored with the conversation and asked to go in the house.  The weather has made such an abrupt change, dropping at least ten degrees, that it was pleasant to sit on the porch in the mild sunshine to talk.

I'm doing everything I can think of to prepare for the power outage to come, mainly storing what water I can in anticipation of no water at all.  My concern always is for the animals if the lack of electricity goes on for any length.  It was disappointing to find I will miss an episode of a couple of PBS productions, and there's nothing I can do about that.  When rain or snow blocks the satellite dish, I can always watch prerecorded programs.  No such luck.  Nights without power are very long and dark and quiet.  Sigh.

The powers that be (PG&E) estimate return by 10 p.m. Tuesday.  We'll see how that goes.  Last time they added on a day.  In the meantime, I'm making hay.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Hope you got everything prepared for your outage!