Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Chosen One

Boy, when a totem chooses you, you stay chosen!  Ever since that day years ago when I was sitting on the granite grinding rock down in the south pasture and lizards started climbing up my leg to my lap, they've made it pretty obvious that I am theirs.  Leonard shows up on the porch every day now; sometimes he doesn't even run when I open the screen door (unless I have Michael with me).  He even came out to share time with my company.  Go figure.  It could be worse...look them up.  They have some pretty neat attributes to teach.

My affiliation with lizards goes way back.  I may have said that, as a kid, I would catch and bring home so many horny toads that my dad had a special, large! outdoor cage built for them all.  (My mother was not so pleased.)  I didn't know then what I know now about totems.

My plans for yesterday flew out the window when a couple of my usual bill-paying websites changed their format and refused to recognize me.  Yes, I took it personal.  Even the help of a chatroom tech couldn't get me through...it took over an hour for one guy to get it solved.  Needless to say, there wasn't enough time left to get to town and back.  Michael was disappointed.  Me?  Not s'much.

Since we're just getting into fly season, Leonard will be well fed.  Gotta keep your totem happy.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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