Monday, October 5, 2020

Try To Keep Up

After cleaning the kitchen and my most welcome company of the day before, yesterday was meant to be a day of rest.  While I didn't do much, I got sucked back into watching the news.  My head head started spinning like Linda Purl's in "The Exorcist."  Just when I thought political situations had started to calm, even briefly, here we go again and I cannot keep up.

Michael and I did not see any deer on our walks, but there are definitely more vultures.  Camille said she had seen a number circling over the hills last week, but not as many as in my trees and on my wires now.  I wonder if they're late for migration.  With all that's happened in this crazy year, I wouldn't be surprised.  I was going to say not much surprises me anymore, but then I turn on the news and am stunned.

I happen to like crispy roasted Brussels sprouts, and it turns out Michael does too.  We shared what I thought was going to be my dinner.  Remember when I said "no treats in the living room for Michael?"  How's that working for ya?

I managed to put off going to town for a day, but there's nothing for it but to suck it up and make the trip today.  Aarrgh.  At least it will keep me from turning on the TV.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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