Friday, October 16, 2020

If It's Tuesday

(If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium, 1969 film, Suzanne Pleshette, Ian McShane,)

It wasn't Tuesday and Fair Play is a far cry from Belgium, but Michael and I are big fans of Brussels...sprouts, that is.  We had them for dinner again last night.  Since I found out he likes them and they are good for him, I roasted enough for two.  I get the crispy outer leaves and he gets the soft center.  He eats them like bonbons.

What do you do to put balm on a frazzled mind?  I watch a couple of Bluebloods reruns and play interminable games of either Sudoku or dominoes on the cellphone.  If I had a garden, I'd go work in the garden.  Mindless activities, even hand-washing dishes, are soothing.  Dusting isn't an option.

Win some, lose some.  Three deer bounded out of the garden area yesterday, beautiful creatures.  It's strange, but there are far fewer ground squirrels this year than I ever remember.  In the past, I could count them by the dozens.  Now it's a rarity to see any.  Shaddup and Yip Yip have evidently moved on.  With all the acorns, you'd think they'd be rampant and fat.  Seeing deer is a winner.  I don't miss the squirrels.

Note To Self:  put sprouts on the grocery list...we're out.

I'm pretty sure it's Friday.  Or not.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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