Saturday, October 24, 2020

On Track

On our walks, Michael looks across the fields and stands to sniff the air.  We make abrupt stops if he detects that a night creature has had the audacity to leave its mark on his property.  That needs instant attention.  I swear he generates urine on demand.  Me?  I watch the path, not only to see where I'm stepping, but I look for tracks.  This is a busy time of year for the late-afternoon and after-dark gangs.  Way more deer than usual are walking the dirt and gravel highway.  There are the usual turkey tracks, and there was sign that a jackrabbit had passed through.  A covey of quail had held a meeting down by the intersection where the driveway makes a loop.  The vultures are not pedestrians, but it must be moulting season because we find their big feathers here and there now.  I'm always glad that they leave a cleanup crew here after the fall migration.  I'm just as happy to not see tracks of a big cat.  There have been many sightings of mountain lions in the area and I don't necessarily want them here...okay, I don't want them here at all.

PG&E has sent notice that we're going to have a power outage starting tomorrow afternoon and lasting until Tuesday night.  Oh goody.  We have not had the predicted big winds that instigate these outages during the last few times, but I'll go along with the 'better safe than sorry' theme.  At least we're given notice and can prepare as best we can, but I'm sure not looking forward to long dark nights and not flushing the toilet.  When we moved up here, there was an electric stove top.  It only took one loss of power for me to demand a gas (propane) stove.  The oven is still electric, but I can work around that.  There's naught I can do about the toilet.  Note To Self:  pay bills today while I still have the computer.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Or store gallons and gallons of water for pour over flushes.