Sunday, February 7, 2021

I Erred

I've been comparing my recent haircut to that of Dame Judi Dench.  Watching 'As Time Goes By' yesterday, I realized I was wrong.  Except for the cowlick, I was also wrong when I said I had a Dennis the Menace cut.  Oh, short over the ears and at the nape, yes, but there the similarities end.  Judi and Dennis are absolute Rapunzels next to me.  I know I asked for a short cut, and I got it.  At the crown the hair might be as long as an inch, maybe a half-inch everywhere else.  I'm not complaining, just saying my comparisons were in error.  I'll be ready for a trim in, oh, say six months.

Michael doesn't make mistakes, and his timing is unerring.  His suggestion that we go out to deck or porch is at the warmest part of the day, and I am happy to accompany him.  We sit together until he signals it's time to go back in the house.  These are not piddle trips, his mission is clear and he's not to be diverted.

What's up with the pedestrian vultures?  Yesterday there were seventeen on the ground in the front yard.  They took off for posts around the pen as we approached, but what were they doing on the ground, just clustered in the sunshine, in the first place.  They did not have wings spread to warm as they do on the posts.  It was more like they were holding a committee meeting.  The things I wish I knew.

I think it's going to be another gorgeous day, but rain is predicted in our future.  Michael and I will get our deck time in while we can.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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