Monday, February 1, 2021

Touch Of Humor

Michael, without a funny bone in his body, cracks me up.  It's just possible that I made some mistakes when he came here to live, as in giving him a treat when we came in from a nice walk.  One nice treat from the kitchen was followed by two of the tiny milk bones in my pocket.  Two...always two, and he knows and accepts the signal for "all gone."  This is now an everyday occurrence.  Then two bones as an appetizer before he goes in for his kibble, and two bones for dessert.  Don't tell me a dog can't communicate.  Ever sedate, he lies down by his bowl to eat one crunchy at a time.  I've never seen a dog do that ever.  He has added to our daily routine in that we now, at Michael's appointed hour, go out to sit in the sunshine.  Usually it's to the end of the deck, but yesterday the porch was his destination.  I've tried explaining that rain or summer sun will put an end to this, but he said we'll deal with that when it happens.

Michael doesn't bark, he doesn't whine.  He makes me laugh.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Emmy said...

What fun to have a dog like that... a perfect gentleman and good company