Sunday, February 14, 2021

Mind Games

Sometimes I think that Nature and the world at large have gone topsy-turvy and I struggle to keep up.  The rain storm of yesterday's morning promised to last all day.  Well, the rain and wind stopped, the sun came out and it turned out to be a lovely day.  Okay, I could deal with that better than what was on TV.

Having watched the impeachment trial from the beginning, it was in for a penny, in for a pound, and I had to watch to the end for the verdict and losing another day for cleaning.  The constant refrain in my life is, "I don't understand," and it played loud, long, and clear yesterday.  Over the past year I've become obsessed with politics.  Me, who, other than hopefully educated voting, never gave the political scene more than a passing glance.  To paraphrase Sidney Lumet's line in "Network" (1976), politics has made me 'crazy as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore.'  I remain hopeful that we, as a nation, can regain some semblance of normalcy soon.

Until then, I'm going to go on walks with Michael, watch old, beloved reruns, and make a cat cave at night for Ralph and the bent-knees snuggle space for Celeste.

Looks like we're going to get a real sunrise this morning.  It's going to be a good day.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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