Friday, February 26, 2021

Starry Starry Night

Actually, right now it is the opposite from the opening line of Don McLean's song "Vincent" (1971).  The skies have been so clear, day and night, and we're a night or two away from a full moon.  The moon is so bright that it has washed away any starlight twinkle.  It takes a dark 'o the moon to let the stars shine.  Michael likes it just the way it is now because it has expanded his nighttime excursions.  As I've said, I will only walk as far as I can see.  It's a pretty good indicator when the moonlight leaves shadows ("Moonshadow," Cat Stevens, 1970).

Dude is coming today and there's plenty for him to do.  Two large branches broke and fell from the oak over the woodpile and they need to be limbed and the rest cut up.  There are scrub brushes down by the road blocking the view of the road when pulling out of the driveway that need to be removed for safety.  There are junipers in front of the house that are in desperate need of a major trim.  A hedge has gone all higgledy-piggledy and could use attention.  The list goes on and on.  Dude and I have a deal.  He fits me into his schedule and does whatever he can in the time he has available.  There's rarely any hurry with any of this stuff, and I'm job security when his other workload gets slow.  Hey, it works for me.

He comes early and it's only polite to be up and dressed when he gets here.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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