Sunday, February 28, 2021


Wishing Won't Make It So, Phil Everly, 2004

I wish Farview Farm were more farmlike these days for a lot of reasons.  The land and I were both more productive and what I had to write about was more in tune with my mission statement.  So many of the animals were still around.  Poppy the sheep, good old duppty-dup, was still hanging out with the goats, of which there were many then.  Watching goat kids being born was wondrous.  Chickens like Tattletale Tessie and Pick Me Up Peggy filled the pen.  The garden really was a bountiful garden.  Just watering the vegetables took over an hour a day, and the table was filled.  Did you know that if you scratch a name into a young pumpkin or melon, it will stretch as the melon grows and proclaim its namesake?  I would take a chicken with me into the fenced area to feast on tomato worms and other juicy tidbits, as well as for company.  I had enough flowers to feed the deer and bring an influx of butterflies in season.  I would spend hours on Fu Manchu, tootling around the yards and fields in the sunshine.  I think Dude is going to take over that pleasant chore now.  The house was filled with guests for whom I could cook two meals a day, breakfast and dinner.  They were on their own for lunch.  All my many recipes and cookbooks got put to good use.  Death, attrition, age...and Covid have put an end to all that.

Ah well, wish as I might, the big picture isn't going to change.  The status quo is what it is, but I am so very thankful I have such wonderful, wonderful memories.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Yes, so many good memories
I think about milking goats every morning
And baking bread twice a week
Would never have dreamt of a store-bought cookie.
Nice to think back on those days.