Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Listen To Me

"It's time to go to bed.  Really.  Do it now."  I tell myself that every night.  "Well, maybe I will just as soon as this program is over."  "I'll get up just as soon as the cats get off my lap."  I talk to myself a lot.  The problem is that I don't always listen.  For two nights in a row, just closing my eyes for a minute has resulted in an all-nighter in the chair.  Michael must think I've slipped a cog.  The cats don't care.  Waking up fully dressed certainly speeds up the morning routine.

Nature pulled a switcheroo yesterday.  After that welcome warm sunshine of the day before, the sky was overcast and gloomy all day.  We did go out in the afternoon to sit on the picnic bench under the oak, but we didn't stay long.  Crows seem to be the bird of the day, and there were more than twenty of the loudmouths in the trees.  They simply do not have a volume-control knob.

Speaking of birds.  A couple of days ago a full-size Steller's jay banged into the picture window in the living room.  It's not the first time a bird has hit the glass, but it's usually a hummer or a sparrow.  I rush out and, if I and the bird are lucky, I can hold it or put it in the sunshine to get its wits back and warm up after the shock.  Most of them make it.  The jay was not so fortunate and had broken its neck, poor thing.  Poor me, too.  The jay had hit the double-pane window with such force that it seems to have also broken the seal.  Moisture has begun to collect between the glass, and that's just not acceptable.  I spend a lot of time looking out of that window.  I guess my next chore will be to find a glazier who will come out here to the boonies.  If I'm lucky, maybe that person will also be able to replace the screens that Missy destroyed.

Michael is making up for lost time, snoozing behind me on the bed.  He has better sense than I.

Stay safe.  Be well.

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