Saturday, February 6, 2021

It's All About...

Right now, my life is consumed with the purchase of and changes to my cellphone.  I am so grateful to my daughter Deb who is doing all of the research, etc.  I'd be lost in Never-Never Technology Land without her.  It's a little more difficult because of the virus and this all happens long distance.  We spent an hour this morning going over the this's and that's and other details.

I may have to change the title of the blog...maybe "It's All About Michael."  I'm a dud and he's the personality in the house, up to and including the fact that he received a package from UPS yesterday.  The gentleman jumped out of his truck and I said that I hadn't ordered anything.  He looked at the package and said, "It's for Michael."  It took me a second, thinking that nobody named Michael lived here, but then looked down and realized there was.  The guy got his laugh for the day when I told him that Michael was the dog.  His Auntie Florence had sent a container of Snout Sooth for Michael's crusty nose.  I don't know how excited he'll be when I try to apply it, but we'll work it out.

Since I've shot the morning, I've got to get going here.

Stay safe.  Be well.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Now that takes the cake...MICHAEL gets the exciting packages!! Oh the Wells Fargo Wagon is a comin' down the street, oh please let it be for me!!! :-)