Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Along For The Ride

Yesterday was pretty much of a do-nothing day.  I did start a new Stephen King novel, "Finders Keepers," after barn chores and am about halfway through it.  When he's on point, King writes a roller-coaster of a story.  There have been times in the past when he'd fall off the rails at the end; that remains to be seen in this book.  Not too many chores get crossed off the list when I'm reading.  Oh well.

Cam and Honey stopped by in the afternoon and we sat out on the deck to visit.  I mentioned that I'll be meeting the radiologist today to determine the next step in this journey I'm on.  Cam said, "That must be scary."  It isn't, really.  I don't have enough information to know what's coming next, and I've learned not to project into the future when it's a situation over which I will have no control.  I'm just along for the ride on this one.

The dogs like it when we sit outside.  Honey goes exploring and Bess goes along (for the ride) to supervise Honey.  After checking on the chickens and goats, the two come back to lie by us.  That is, Honey will stay quiet just so long before she gets bored.  Then she starts vying for attention, talking up a storm (not barking, she "talks"), rolling over with a silly smile, asking to be petted, and, most of all, trying to get Bessie to play.  Bessie declines.  She's reached senior citizen status and chooses to stay by me.  Honey, much younger, thinks Bess is a dud as a playmate, but she does get excited when she knows they're coming here.  Maybe the milk bones have something to do with that.

It is my understanding that radiation therapy entails daily treatments (five days a week) for a month or so.  Normally I leave home perhaps twice a month, so I find that prospect somewhat daunting, but it's not worth losing sleep over.  I may be along for the ride, but it's going to involve a lot of driving.

1 comment:

Kathryn Williams said...

Yep, you will have a new daily routine that involves an air conditioned truck cab...but at least there will be a starting and and ending date and you will cross those days off the calendar and then once again the days will all be yours to do with as you wish. Godspeed, my friend!